Fant 10 datasett

Organisasjoner: City of Norfolk Formater: RDF Stikkord: property

  • Complaints

    This dataset provides data from the City of Norfolk’s complaint tracking system. Complaints originate from calls by citizens to the Norfolk Cares Center or are staff reported....
    5 total views
  • Permits

    This dataset offers a listing of permits issued by Norfolk City Planning’s Development Service Center (DSC). It encompasses a wide range of permit types, including those for...
    5 total views
  • Violations

    This dataset provides data from the City of Norfolk’s violation tracking system. Violations originate from complaints reported by citizens and Norfolk staff, or by inspections...
    8 total views
  • Plan Reviews

    This dataset offers a listing of plan reviews performed by the City of Norfolk. It encompasses various review types, including Building Code, CBPA Review, Stormwater, Floodplain...
    6 total views
  • Property Assessment and Sales - FY24

    This dataset represents real estate assessment and sales data made available by the Office of the Real Estate Assessor. This dataset contains information for properties in the...
    8 total views
  • Better Buildings Challenge Properties

    This dataset contains information pertaining to the Better Buildings Challenge, an initiative created by the U.S. Department of Energy with the objective of reducing overall...
    7 total views
  • Property Assessment and Sales - FY20

    This dataset represents real estate assessment and sales data that is updated on a quarterly basis by the Real Estate Assessor’s Office. This dataset contains information for...
    4 total views
  • Property Assessment and Sales - FY23

    This dataset represents real estate assessment and sales data made available by the Office of the Real Estate Assessor. This dataset contains information for properties in the...
    6 total views
  • Property Assessment and Sales - FY22

    This dataset represents real estate assessment and sales data that is updated on a quarterly basis by the Real Estate Assessor’s Office. This dataset contains information for...
    10 total views
  • Property Assessment and Sales - FY21

    This dataset represents real estate assessment and sales data that is updated on a quarterly basis by the Real Estate Assessor’s Office. This dataset contains information for...
    6 total views
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