Fant 9 datasett

Stikkord: antebellum virginia untold

  • Coroners' Inquisitions

    Coroner’s Inquisitions are investigations into the deaths of individuals who died by a sudden, violent, unnatural, or suspicious manner, or who died without medical attendance....
    2120 total views
  • Commonwealth Causes

    Commonwealth causes are criminal court cases filed by the state government that consist primarily of warrants, summons, subpoenas, indictments, recognizances, and verdicts...
    13855 total views
  • Petitions to Remain

    Sometimes referred to as “Applications to Remain”, these records are applications that formerly enslaved individuals submitted to state and local courts for permission to remain...
    1700 total views
  • Deeds of Emancipation and Manumission

    Deeds of emancipation and manumission record an enslavers’ intent to emancipate enslaved people from bondage. In 1726, the Virginia General Assembly passed a law allowing...
    3589 total views
  • Freedom Suits

    Freedom suits are lawsuits initiated by enslaved people seeking to gain their freedom. This collection includes petitions, records of suits, depositions, affidavits, and wills....
    59733 total views
  • Certificates of Importation

    Certificates of Importation (sometimes entitled a certificate of non-importation) are primarily oaths by enslavers agreeing that they have not imported enslaved people from...
    2170 total views
  • Public Claims

    Localities and individuals submitted public claims to the Auditor of Public Accounts to obtain payment for services rendered to the state. The Auditor of Public Accounts was the...
    62988 total views
  • Free Negro Tax Records

    In 1801, the Virginia Legislature passed an act requiring commissioners of the revenue to annually return a complete list of all free Black Virginians within their districts,...
    2580 total views
  • "Runaway Slave" Records

    A “runaway slave record,” or as it is officially titled, “Runaway and Escaped Slaves Records, 1794, 1806-1863,” include accounts, correspondence, receipts, and reports...
    12126 total views
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