
Kolonne Type Merkelapp Beskrivelse
Barcode text Barcode

Barcode identifier for the box housing the original deed

File Name text File Name

File identification of digital copy

Year text Year

Year bill of sale was recorded

Type of Transaction text Type of Transaction

Whether the document is a deed or bill of sale

First Name text First Name

First name of enslaved individual

Middle Name text Middle Name

Middle name of enslaved individual

Surname text Surname

Last name of enslaved individual

Alias text Alias

Alias or nickname of enslaved individual

Gender text Gender

Recorded gender of enslaved individual

Age text Age

Recorded age, sometimes approximated, of enslaved individual

Physical Description text Physical Description

Recorded physical characteristics including complexion, height, hair color, or distinguishing features of the formerly enslaved individual

Spouse's Name text Spouse's Name

Name of recognized (though not legal) marital partner of the enslaved individual

Child(ren) text Child(ren)

Name(s) of Child(ren) of the enslaved individual

Parent(s) text Parent(s)

Name(s) of Parent(s) of the enslaved individual

Enslaver (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer text Enslaver (including Indenture Holder & Hiree) / Buyer

Name of enslaver purchasing the enslaved individual

Enslaver's Alias text Enslaver's Alias

Any other given names or alternate spellings of the purchasing enslaver

Prior Enslaver's Name, if applicable / Trafficker text Prior Enslaver's Name, if applicable / Trafficker

Name of the enslaver selling the enslaved individual

Locality text Locality

Virginia county of locality where the bill of sale was recorded

Source text Source

Archival collection where the physical copy is located

Date Added or Updated timestamp Date Added or Updated

The date the data was added to the spreadsheet or the date it was last updated.


Felt Verdi
Sist endret 17. april 2024
Opprettet ukjent
Format CSV
Columns 20
Rows 12710
Opprettetfor 9 måneder siden
Size4 103 295
Datastore activeTrue
Has viewsTrue
On same domainTrue
Package ide1869d81-dd93-4462-b6bf-f490e1f22879
Url typeupload