
Kolonne Type Merkelapp Beskrivelse
Barcode text Barcode

Barcode for the box housing the original physical document referenced

File Name text File Name

File name for the digital version of the document referenced

Date (of entry) text Date (of entry)

Date that the information was recorded

First Name text First Name

First name of the individual emigrating

Middle Name text Middle Name

Middle name of the individual emigrating

Surname text Surname

Last name of the individual emigating

Suffix text Suffix

Suffix of the individual emigrating

Alias text Alias

Any aliases or nicknames of the emigrating individual

Gender text Gender

Recorded gender of the emigrating individual

Age text Age

Recorded age of the emigrating individual

Occupation text Occupation

Occupation of emigrating individual

Name of Spouse text Name of Spouse

Name of emigrating individual's spouse if applicable

Name of Children text Name of Children

Name of emigrating individual's children if applicable

Name of Parents text Name of Parents

Name of emigrating individual's parents

Previous Enslaver text Previous Enslaver

If applicable, name of previous enslaver of emigrating individual

Method of Emancipation text Method of Emancipation

Method of gaining freedom if emigrating individual was formerly enslaved

Name of Ship text Name of Ship

Name of ship emigrating individual traveled on

Date Ship Sailed text Date Ship Sailed

Date ship sailed

Destination text Destination

Destination of the emigrating individual

County/City text County/City

County/City in Virginia that emigrating individual last lived before emigration

Town text Town

Town in Virginia that emigrating individual last lived before emigration

Date Added or Updated timestamp Date Added or Updated

The date the data was added to the spreadsheet or the date it was last updated.


Felt Verdi
Sist endret 5. oktober 2023
Opprettet ukjent
Format CSV
Columns 22
Rows 13032
Opprettetfor 9 måneder siden
Ckan url
Datastore activeTrue
Datastore contains all records of source fileTrue
Has viewsTrue
Ignore hashTrue
On same domainTrue
Original url
Package id303232eb-4f3e-4f84-bd6d-5e1a1ed3e01f
Resource id14fd920d-cd5b-4c7b-a63e-cd920f1a2331
Task created2023-11-15 00:57:42.181728
Url typeupload