
Kolonne Type Merkelapp Beskrivelse
Barcode text Barcode

Barcode identifier for the box housing the original document

File Name text File Name

File identification of digital copy

Year recorded text Year recorded

Year that the fiduciary record was recorded

First Name text First Name

First name of the enslaved individual mentioned in the fiduciary record

Middle Name text Middle Name

Middle name of the enslaved individual mentioned in the fiduciary record

Surname text Surname

Last name of the enslaved individual mentioned in the fiduciary record

Suffix text Suffix

Suffix of the enslaved individual mentioned in the fiduciary record

Alias text Alias

Alias of the enslaved individual mentioned in the fiduciary record

Gender text Gender

Gender of the enslaved individual either as recorded or inferred by name and other information

Age text Age

Recorded age of the enslaved individual

Physical description text Physical description

Any physical characteristics mentioned in relationship to the enslaved individual as recorded in the fiduciary record

Spouse's Name text Spouse's Name

Name of the enslaved individual's spouse if applicable

Child(ren) text Child(ren)

Name of the enslaved individual's child or children if applicable

Parent(s) text Parent(s)

Name of the enslaved individual's parents if known

Occupation text Occupation

Profession or job of the enslaved individual

Enslaver's Prefix text Enslaver's Prefix

Prefix of the enslaver's name

Enslaver's First Name text Enslaver's First Name

First name of enslaver

Enslaver's Middle Name text Enslaver's Middle Name

Middle name of enslaver

Enslaver's Surname text Enslaver's Surname

Last name of enslaver

Enslaver's Suffix text Enslaver's Suffix

Suffix of enslaver

Enslaver's Alias text Enslaver's Alias

Any other given names or alternate spellings of the enslaver

Locality text Locality

City/County in Virginia where the fiduciary record was recorded

Source text Source

Archival collection where the physical copy is located

Date Added or Updated timestamp Date Added or Updated

The date the data was added to the spreadsheet or the date it was last updated.


Felt Verdi
Sist endret 5. oktober 2023
Opprettet ukjent
Format CSV
Columns 24
Rows 22246
Opprettetfor 9 måneder siden
Ckan url
Datastore activeTrue
Datastore contains all records of source fileTrue
Has viewsTrue
Ignore hashTrue
On same domainTrue
Original url
Package id0af52eb3-0e95-4da9-960c-2c551c56d5f6
Resource id906fc144-ddbb-444f-8bba-092c4ebfef67
Task created2023-11-15 00:58:10.799067
Url typeupload