
Kolonne Type Merkelapp Beskrivelse
year text year


county text county

Virginia Locality

B25106_002E text B25106_002E

Number of owner occupied housing units

B25106_006E text B25106_006E

Number of owner occupied housing units where income is less than $20 000 and 30 percent or more is spent on housing

B25106_010E text B25106_010E

Number of owner occupied housing units where income is between $20,000-34,999 and 30 percent or more is spent on housing

B25106_014E text B25106_014E

Number of owner occupied housing units where income is between $35,000-49,999 and 30 percent or more is spent on housing

B25106_018E text B25106_018E

Number of owner occupied housing units where income is between $50,000-74,999 and 30 percent or more is spent on housing

B25106_022E text B25106_022E

Number of owner occupied housing units where income is over $75,000 and 30 percent or more is spent on housing

B25106_024E text B25106_024E

Number of renter occupied housing units

B25106_028E text B25106_028E

Number of renter occupied housing units where income is less than $20 000 and 30 percent or more is spent on housing

B25106_032E text B25106_032E

Number of renter occupied housing units where income is between $20,000-34,999 and 30 percent or more is spent on housing

B25106_036E text B25106_036E

Number of renter occupied housing units where income is between $35,000-49,999 and 30 percent or more is spent on housing

B25106_040E text B25106_040E

Number of renter occupied housing units where income is between $50,000-74,999 and 30 percent or more is spent on housing

B25106_044E text B25106_044E

Number of renter occupied housing units where income is over $75,000 and 30 percent or more is spent on housing

state text state

State FIPS code

county 1 text county 1

Virginia Locality FIPS Code


Felt Verdi
Sist endret 5. oktober 2023
Opprettet ukjent
Format CSV
Columns 16
Rows 1201
Opprettetfor 9 måneder siden
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Datastore activeTrue
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On same domainTrue
Original url
Package id03f3b88d-0ca9-411d-a7ff-fff80c99e485
Resource idac8ab163-3c82-4c3a-bf02-01dba124e4bc
Task created2023-10-05 04:25:27.584239
Url typeupload