
Kolonne Type Merkelapp Beskrivelse
Barcode text Barcode

Barcode identifier for the box housing the original document

File Name text File Name

File identification of digital copy

Box Number numeric Box Number

Number of the box housing the original document

Folder Number numeric Folder Number

Number of the folder housing the original document

Record Sub-Type text Record Sub-Type

Type of public claim from which the data is drawn

Date of Auditor receipt text Date of Auditor receipt

Date that the public claim was recorded

First Name text First Name

First name of the enslaved/free individual

Middle Name text Middle Name

Middle name of the enslaved/free individual

Surname text Surname

Last name of the enslaved/free individual

Surname Suffix text Surname Suffix

Suffix to the name of the enslaved/free individual

Alias text Alias

Any aliases or nicknames of the enslaved/free individual

Gender text Gender

Recorded gender of the enslaved/free individual

Age numeric Age

Recorded age of the enslaved/free individual

Free or Enslaved? text Free or Enslaved?

The legal status of the individual a public claim is made against

Enslaver Name text Enslaver Name

Enslaver making a public claim against the enslaved/free individual

Transporter text Transporter

Individual responsible for physically transporting enslaved/free individual

Bond Holder text Bond Holder

Individual who has to put up a bond as proof that they'll transport the enslaved/free person(s) out of state

Name of Spouse text Name of Spouse

Name of spouse of the enslaved/free individual

Name of Child(ren) text Name of Child(ren)

Name of child(ren) of the enslaved/free individual

Name of Parent(s) text Name of Parent(s)

Name of parent(s) of the enslaved/free individual

Occupation text Occupation

Profession of the enslaved/free individual

Additional Enslaved Individual Names text Additional Enslaved Individual Names

Any other names of enslaved individuals mentioned in the claim

Additional Free Black Names text Additional Free Black Names

Any other names of free Black individuals mentioned in the claim

Crime text Crime

Crime that the enslaved/free individual was convicted of

Determination text Determination

Decision made on the public claim

Date of execution text Date of execution

Date of individual's executive for crime if applicable

Form of execution text Form of execution

Method of execution

Location of conviction text Location of conviction

City/County in Virginia that conviction was recorded

Destination text Destination

If transported, destination

Value text Value

Monetary value placed on the individual and paid to enslaver

Date Added or Updated timestamp Date Added or Updated

The date the data was added to the spreadsheet or the date it was last updated.


Felt Verdi
Sist endret 5. oktober 2023
Opprettet ukjent
Format CSV
Columns 31
Rows 3503
Opprettetfor 9 måneder siden
Ckan url
Datastore activeTrue
Datastore contains all records of source fileTrue
Has viewsTrue
Ignore hashTrue
On same domainTrue
Original url
Package id0fdeb843-3c7d-44fc-8a2a-cd087c6378dc
Resource idf7f11f0e-cc0d-4850-b8ff-19810f44271e
Task created2023-11-15 00:58:08.269443
Url typeupload