
Kolonne Type Merkelapp Beskrivelse
Report_Date text
Event Date timestamp Event Date

Date when the event occurred. For cases, event date is the closest date to when a person's symptoms first began. For hospitalizations, event date is the date of admission to the hospital. For deaths, event date is the date of death.

Health_Planning_Region text

The health planning region assigned by the Virginia Department of Health. Values include: Central, Eastern, Northern, Northwest, Southwest

Case_Status text

Whether the case, hospitalization, or death meets the definition of a confirmed or probable case, hospitalization, or death, as defined by the Council for State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE). Values include: Confirmed, Probable

Number_Of_Cases text
Number_Of_Hospitalizations text
Number_Of_Deaths text


Felt Verdi
Sist endret 25. juni 2024
Opprettet ukjent
Format CSV
Columns 7
Rows 152735
Opprettetfor 9 måneder siden
Size679 902
Ckan url
Datastore activeTrue
Datastore contains all records of source fileTrue
Has viewsTrue
On same domainTrue
Original url
Package id356cd738-9e6b-4b1f-a810-029b79695cdd
Resource idafd73e4f-f69a-4349-894e-bdcd9db274cc
Task created2024-06-25 14:12:01.090722
Url typeupload