
Kolonne Type Merkelapp Beskrivelse
Report Date timestamp Report Date

Date when the outbreak is published.

Date VDH Notified timestamp Date VDH Notified

Date outbreak reported to VDH Central Office.

Status text Status

Status of the outbreak. Status can include: Outbreak in Progress, Outbreak Pending Closure or Outbreak Closed.

Locality text Locality

Independent city or county in Virginia.


5-digit code (51XXX) for the Locality.

Facility text Facility

Name of facility where outbreak occurred or is occurring.

Facility Type text Facility Type

Type of facility where outbreak is occurring.

Cases text Cases

Number of cases reported that are associated with outbreak.

Deaths text Deaths

Number of deaths reported associated with outbreak.

Active text Active

Indication of whether the outbreak is closed (0) or still in progress or pending closure (1).


Felt Verdi
Sist endret 5. oktober 2023
Opprettet ukjent
Format CSV
Columns 10
Rows 56371
Opprettetfor 9 måneder siden
Ckan url
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On same domainTrue
Original url
Package ida02495c8-642e-4e66-81dd-427c3886ab5a
Resource ide287337a-e090-4cb5-a735-4dcad0cc783d
Task created2023-11-15 00:57:47.945070
Url typeupload