
Kolonne Type Merkelapp Beskrivelse
PatientHealthDistrict text

Name of VDH health district. There are 35 health districts in Virginia. VDH health districts are assigned based on the residence of the patient at the time of death, not where the death occurred. Data include Virginia residents only, whether or not they died in Virginia

Intent of Injury text

Intent of Injury

Firearm Deaths text

Number of firearm-related deaths.

Rate of Firearm Deaths per 100K Pop text

Rate of firearm-related deaths per 100,000 population.


Felt Verdi
Sist endret 22. februar 2024
Opprettet ukjent
Format CSV
Columns 4
Rows 140
Opprettetfor 5 måneder siden
Size4 830
Ckan url
Datastore activeTrue
Datastore contains all records of source fileTrue
Has viewsTrue
On same domainTrue
Original url
Package id7d3e4468-b808-41c8-ad3f-e9eddf7a2768
Resource idb09626e9-3fbd-4ff5-bcba-763cf0659cc1
Task created2024-02-22 05:01:25.147307
Url typeupload