
Kolonne Type Merkelapp Beskrivelse
Year numeric Year

Year of the participation

All People_# Eligible (1,000) text All People_# Eligible (1,000)

People in households that pass all applicable Federal SNAP income and resource tests or in which all members receive cash public assistance.

All People_Rate text All People_Rate

The percentage of eligible people who actually participate in the program.

All People_90% CI: LL text All People_90% CI: LL

The percentage of eligible people with 90% Confidence Interval in Lower limits

All People_90% CI: UL text All People_90% CI: UL

The percentage of eligible people with 90% Confidence Interval in upper limits

All People_LL text All People_LL

The percentage of all eligible people within lower limits

All People_UL text All People_UL

The percentage of all eligible people within upper limits

All People_Ranking numeric All People_Ranking

Ranking among all eligible people

Working Poor_# Eligible text Working Poor_# Eligible

People who are eligible for SNAP benefits and live in households in which someone earns income from a job.

Working Poor_Rate text Working Poor_Rate

The percentage of eligible working poor people who actually participate in the program.

Working Poor_90% CI text Working Poor_90% CI

The percentage of eligibleworking poor with 90% Confidence Interval

Working Poor_LL text Working Poor_LL

The percentage of eligible working poor with 90% Confidence Interval in Lower limits

Working Poor_UL text Working Poor_UL

The percentage of eligible working poor with 90% Confidence Interval in Upper limits

Working Poor_Ranking text Working Poor_Ranking

Ranking among all eligible working poor


Felt Verdi
Sist endret 5. oktober 2023
Opprettet ukjent
Format CSV
Columns 14
Rows 21
Opprettetfor 9 måneder siden
Ckan url
Datastore activeTrue
Datastore contains all records of source fileTrue
Has viewsTrue
Ignore hashTrue
On same domainTrue
Original url
Package id18501e38-9699-44ba-9d0b-0cbfaa6cc1c9
Resource idf323842d-1d9c-4daa-8d04-2b33c1bcdd45
Task created2023-12-14 20:28:01.769963
Url typeupload