2018 Final WQA Monitoring Stations

Sites within Virginia where DEQ or other data providers have collected water column, sediment, fish tissue or benthic macroinvertebrate samples within the given assessment data window (2018). Attributes assigned to each station are summarized based on samples collected per station ID. QA/QC checks are performed on the database to verify attribute and spatial accuracy, however errors may still occur. Please direct any questions about attribute accuracy to the Data Distributor. The geospatial product is maintained and updated by VA DEQ each assessment cycle (biennially) using the most current data provided. Stations not monitored within the given data window may be included for clarification of assessment unit ID status but have no data within the parameter columns. See the Comments fields for those instances. Please see dateset Fact Sheet (on DEQ's Environmental Data Hub: https://geohub-vadeq.hub.arcgis.com/pages/water-datasets ) for metadata including contact information, process steps, attribute descriptions, and distribution information.

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Felt Verdi
Contact Name rex.robichaux_VADEQ
Contact Email [email protected]
Contact Phone
Publication Date
Data Timeframe
Update Cadence
Data Publishing Method
Geographic Location
Source Link
Featured Dataset
GUID https://www.arcgis.com/home/item.html?id=b2efe7c500254e5587f959c6f4c5feaf&sublayer=143
dcat_issued 2020-11-11T16:41:21.000Z
dcat_modified 2023-07-26T15:27:47.000Z
dcat_publisher_name rex.robichaux_VADEQ
spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[-83.7847,36.4620],[-83.7847,39.4413],[-75.2306,39.4413],[-75.2306,36.4620],[-83.7847,36.4620]]]}