Fant 6 datasett

Stikkord: bead

  • BEAD Application Areas

    These application boundaries serve as application areas for the Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment Program, as well as other purposes identified by the Office of Broadband.
    51 total views
  • Unserved BEAD Eligible Community Anchor Institutions

    The attached file includes the Federal Communication Commission’s Broadband Availability Map Fabric (“Fabric”) Location IDs of unserved Community Anchor Institutions (CAIs). As...
    109 total views
  • Served BEAD Eligible Locations

    The attached file includes the Federal Communication Commission’s Broadband Availability Map Fabric (“Fabric”) Location IDs of served locations, which either already have...
    122 total views
  • Virginia BEAD Community Anchor Institutions

    The attached file includes the name and address, along with other information, of Community Anchor Institutions (CAIs) identified for the purposes of the Broadband Equity,...
    104 total views
  • Underserved BEAD Eligible Locations

    The attached file includes the Federal Communication Commission’s Broadband Availability Map Fabric (“Fabric”) Location IDs of underserved locations not in an existing state or...
    1148 total views
  • Unserved BEAD Eligible Locations

    The attached file includes the Federal Communication Commission’s Broadband Availability Map Fabric (“Fabric”) Location IDs of unserved locations not in an existing state or...
    1098 total views
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