Unserved BEAD Eligible Locations

The attached file includes the Federal Communication Commission’s Broadband Availability Map Fabric (“Fabric”) Location IDs of unserved locations not in an existing state or federally funded project area. As determined through initial analysis by the Office of Broadband, these 134,221 locations lack broadband access to speeds of 25/3, as set out in the Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment Program (BEAD). A separate file is also on the Open Data Portal for underserved locations titled “Underserved BEAD Eligible Locations”). These Location IDs correspond with Version 2 of the Fabric. To download the Fabric, eligible entities must execute a license agreement with CostQuest Associates. More information about this process is available at https://www.costquest.com/broadband-serviceable-location-fabric/

Broadband providers must secure a Tier D License from CostQuest to view the statewide fabric. Please visit https://apps.costquest.com/ntiarequest/ for more information.

Local governments and nonprofits must secure a Tier E License from CostQuest to view the statewide fabric. The application for a Tier E License will open soon and this page will be updated accordingly.

These Fabric Location IDs are provided for local governments, non-profit organizations, and internet service providers to analyze for purposes of the upcoming BEAD challenge process, as outlined in Virginia’s BEAD Initial Proposal Volume 1. Please visit the Virginia Telecommunication Initiative website for more information.

Please note the final list of Unserved BEAD Eligible Fabric Location IDs will be published following the BEAD challenge process. Also, please note the Office of Broadband is seeking the authority to publish the physical address which corresponds with each BEAD Eligible Fabric Location ID. This file will be updated as permission is gained or clarified otherwise.

Data og ressurser


Felt Verdi
Contact Name Office of Broadband
Contact Email [email protected]
Contact Phone
Publication Date 2023-09-18
Data Timeframe
Update Cadence Ad Hoc
Data Publishing Method
Geographic Location Commonwealth of Virginia - All
Source Link https://www.dhcd.virginia.gov/
Featured Dataset No
Each Row is a Location IDs of unserved locations not in an existing state or federally funded project area