Fant 11 datasett

Stikkord: syndromic

  • VDH_HRI_PUD_VisitByAgeGroup

    This dataset includes the number of visits for heat-related illness (HRI) at emergency departments and urgent cares in Virginia by year (includes visits from May-September...
    7258 total views
  • VDH_HRI_PUD_VisitBySex

    This dataset includes the number of visits for heat-related illness (HRI) at emergency departments and urgent cares in Virginia by year (includes visits from May-September...
    7287 total views
  • VDH_HRI_PUD_VisitByCityCounty

    This dataset includes the number of visits for heat-related illness (HRI) at emergency departments and urgent cares in Virginia by year (includes visits from May-September only)...
    7675 total views
  • VDH_HRI_PUD_VisitByVisitDate

    This dataset includes the number of visits for heat-related illness (HRI) at emergency departments and urgent cares in Virginia by visit date (includes visits from May-September...
    7066 total views
  • VDH-COVID-19-PublicUseDataset-CLI_By-HealthDistrict

    This data set includes the number and percent of visits for COVID-19 like illness (CLI) at emergency departments and urgent cares in Virginia by week end date and by health...
    14714 total views
  • VDH-COVID-19-PublicUseDataset-CLI_By-HealthRegion

    This data set includes the number of all visits, number and percent of visits for COVID-19 like illness (CLI) at emergency departments and urgent cares, and number and percent...
    13853 total views
  • VDH-PUD-FAI-By-Month

    This dataset includes the number and rate of emergency department (ED) visits for firearm injury (FAI) in Virginia by year and by month. Data set includes FAI visits from 2015...
    20841 total views
  • VDH-PUD-FAI-By-Demographics

    This dataset includes the number and rate of emergency department (ED) visits for firearm injury (FAI) in Virginia by year, race/ethnicity, age group, and sex. Data set includes...
    11581 total views
  • VDH-PUD-FAI-By-District

    This dataset includes the number and rate of emergency department (ED) visits for firearm injury (FAI) in Virginia by year and by patient geography. VDH health regions and...
    5024 total views
  • VDH-PUD-FAI-By-CityCounty

    This dataset includes the number and rate of emergency department (ED) visits for firearm injury (FAI) in Virginia by year and by the city/county of the patient. City/county...
    17043 total views
  • VDH-PUD-Overdose-EDVisits-Year

    This dataset includes the number and rate per 10,000 emergency department (ED) visits for unintentional drug overdose among Virginia residents by year, and by overdose type (All...
    396 total views
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