This dataset includes the number and rate of emergency department (ED) visits for firearm injury (FAI) in Virginia by year and by month. Data set includes FAI visits from 2015 through the most recent complete month.

Each row represents the number and rate emergency department visits for firearm injury that occurred in Virginia by year and by month. Firearm injury visits are identified using key terms in the chief complaint (reason for visit) and discharge diagnosis codes. Key terms include: gun with wound, GSW, gunshot, buckshot, revolver, rifle, shotgun, firearm, pistol, handgun, been shot, I was shot, I got shot, combination of hit, ricochet, graze with bullet. ICD-10 diagnosis codes: W32.0, W32.1, W33.0, W33.1, W34.0, W34.1, X72, X73, X74, X93, X94, X95, Y22, Y23, Y24, Y35.0, Y38.4 SNOMED diagnosis codes: 41430008, 56768003, 63409001, 69861004, 77301004, 86122002, 111050005, 219257002, 283545005, 218081007, 218086002, 218082000, 218087006, 218088001, 269796009, 242869008, 219199009, 219200007, 219201006, 219204003, 219205002, 219203009, 219198001, 219142001, 219143006, 219144000, 219145004, 219146003, 287184008, 287193009. Exclusions: follow-up visits, visits involving other types of guns (e.g., staple gun), visits where firearm was used as a weapon but not fired (e.g., pistol whip).

Data og ressurser


Felt Verdi
Subdivision Virginia Department of Health
Contact Name Syndromic Surveillance
Contact Email [email protected]
Contact Phone
Publication Date 2022-09-15
Data Timeframe
Update Cadence Monthly
Data Publishing Method
Geographic Location Commonwealth of Virginia - All
Source Link http://www.vdh.virginia.gov/
Featured Dataset No
Each row is a Month for firearm injury visits in the Emergency department