Annual Expenditures

This dataset summarizes the city’s cash outlays and accruals for the cost of goods received or services rendered, by department, department unit/division, and expenditure type, for three years; the current fiscal year and two previous fiscal years. The city's fiscal year runs July 1 to June 30. The city’s financial system, where transactions are recorded daily, is the source for this data. The data also contains current budget information. Current budget reflects budget transfers and amendments during the fiscal year that have transpired since City Council adopted the budget prior to the beginning of the current fiscal year. The data is refreshed daily on weekdays, and the expenditure amounts are current as of the date it was last refreshed.

*Disclaimer: Expenditures will reflect the previous fiscal year’s activity until final entries have been made and the accounting period has been closed.

This data is updated daily on weekdays. For data about this dataset, please click on the link:

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Felt Verdi
Subdivision Department of Budget and Strategic Planning
Contact Name City of Norfolk
Contact Email
Contact Phone
Publication Date 2024-04-29
Data Timeframe
Update Cadence Daily - Once
Data Publishing Method Updated on the Norfolk Open Data portal. Can be accessed via the link in the description
Geographic Location Norfolk, Virginia
Source Link
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