DLLR Performance Improvement Measures

Total number of GED® and NEPD diplomas awarded, WIA - The percentage of Youth program participants who are enrolled in education at the date of participation or at any point during the program and obtain a High School diploma, GED, or a recognized certificate by the end of the 3rd quarter following program exit, Unemployment Rate, Rate that adult employment trainees enter employment, and percentage of consumer complaints against licensees closed within 180 days of receipt

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Felt Verdi
Subdivision Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation (DLLR)
Contact Name Shwetha Tadimalla
Contact Email [email protected]
Contact Phone
Publication Date 2024-02-12
Data Timeframe
Update Cadence One-time
Data Publishing Method
Geographic Location State of Maryland
Source Link https://opendata.maryland.gov/
Featured Dataset No