
Kolonne Type Merkelapp Beskrivelse
Entity Code text Entity Code

Entity responsible for the purchase

Entity Description text Entity Description

Description of entity

NIGP # text NIGP #

5 digit commodity code

NIGP Description text NIGP Description

Commodity code description

Item Description text Item Description

Supplier description of the item

Order # text Order #

eVA Purchase Order number

Order Line Number numeric Order Line Number

Order Line Number

Quantity Ordered numeric Quantity Ordered

Quantity of the product/service ordered

Unit Price numeric Unit Price

Price of the product/service

Unit of Measure text Unit of Measure

Unit of Measure

Line Total numeric Line Total

Total of the line

Line Total Change numeric Line Total Change

Net change from the pervious version

Manufacturer Part # text Manufacturer Part #

Manufacturer Part #

Order Status text Order Status

(eg. Ordered, Receiving, Received, Canceled)

Shipping Name text Shipping Name

Delivery address as shown on the order

Shipping Lines text Shipping Lines

Ship to lines

Shipping City text Shipping City

Ship to city

Shipping State text Shipping State

Ship to state

Shipping Postal text Shipping Postal

Ship to postal / zip code

Requisition Submitted Date timestamp Requisition Submitted Date

Date requisition was submitted for approval

Requisition Approved Date timestamp Requisition Approved Date

Date requisition was approved

Ordered Date timestamp Ordered Date

Purchase order date

Most Recent Receiving Date timestamp Most Recent Receiving Date

Most recent receiving date

SWAM Minority numeric SWAM Minority

SBSD Minority certification (Boolean 1=Yes / 0 = No)

SWAM Woman numeric SWAM Woman

SBSD Woman certification (Boolean 1=Yes / 0 = No)

SWAM Small numeric SWAM Small

SBSD Small certification (Boolean 1=Yes / 0 = No)

SWAM Micro Business numeric SWAM Micro Business

SBSD Micro certification (Boolean 1=Yes / 0 = No)

PO Category Description text PO Category Description

(eg. Routine, Emergency, Technology - Routine)

PO Category text PO Category

(eg. R01, E01, VR1)

Procurement Transaction Type numeric Procurement Transaction Type

(eg. 20, 40, 50)

Procurement Transaction Desc text Procurement Transaction Desc

(eg. Supplies - Non-Technology, Professional Services, Construction)

Order Type text Order Type

(eg. EP, EXT, DO, PCO)

Contract Number text Contract Number

Contract number

Contract Type text Contract Type

(eg. 2-Mandatory Contract, 5-Optional Statewide Contract)

Registration Type text Registration Type

(eg. Self-Registered, State-Entered)


Virginia location identification number (unique per location)

eVA ID text eVA ID

eVA Customer Number

Vendor Name text Vendor Name

Vendor name on the order

Vendor Location Name text Vendor Location Name

Vendor location name

Vendor Address Lines text Vendor Address Lines

Vendor address lines

Vendor Address City text Vendor Address City

Vendor address city

Vendor Address State text Vendor Address State

Vendor address state

Vendor Address Postal text Vendor Address Postal

Vendor address postal / zip code

Vendor Address Geolocation text Vendor Address Geolocation

Vendor address as a geolocated point. Not available for P.O. Box addresses.

Virginia City/County Boundaries numeric Virginia City/County Boundaries

This column was automatically created in order to record in what polygon from the dataset 'Virginia City/County Boundaries' (47e2-c398) the point in column 'vendor_address_geolocation' is located. This enables the creation of region maps (choropleths) in the visualization canvas and data lens.


Felt Verdi
Sist endret 10. november 2023
Opprettet ukjent
Format CSV
Columns 45
Rows 1878716
Opprettetfor 8 måneder siden
Ckan url
Datastore activeTrue
Datastore contains all records of source fileTrue
Has viewsTrue
Ignore hashTrue
On same domainTrue
Original url
Package id720805c7-dcd3-472c-9944-5af652bbfeaf
Resource idb5763067-d22d-42a0-b29a-4277f5a1d689
Task created2023-11-15 17:31:24.400762
Url typeupload