eVA Procurement Data 2019

eVA is used by more than 245 state agencies and institutes of higher education, and 900+ local governments and public bodies, to announce bidding opportunities, receive quotes, order placement & approvals, contract management and more. Since its inception in 2001, eVA has transformed the way the Commonwealth buys goods and services from a decentralized, paper based process to a centralized, electronic platform. Providing industry leading procurement solutions for all public bodies, the marketplace includes nearly 100,000 businesses competing to provide the Commonwealth with quality goods and services, resulting in more than $25 million in savings annually. This dataset contains the purchase orders for the goods and services.

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Felt Verdi
Contact Name Shwetha Tadimalla
Contact Email [email protected]
Contact Phone
Publication Date 2022-07-06
Data Timeframe
Update Cadence
Data Publishing Method
Geographic Location Commonwealth of Virginia - All
Source Link https://dgs.virginia.gov/
Featured Dataset No
Each row represents purchase order line item status