Location of Publicly Owned Broadband Infrastructure in the Town of Dumfries

The Town of Dumfries has partnered with a local IT firm, TSI, to install broadband access in strategic areas to connect with neighborhoods for digital inclusivity.

The map shows the three access points in Cecil W. Garrison Park, Ginn Memorial Park, Merchant Park; and its surrounding areas in the Town of Dumfries.

Data on the parks, premise addresses , and parcel information comes from Prince William County GIS Data Portal: https://gisdata-pwcgov.opendata.arcgis.com/

Data og ressurser


Felt Verdi
Subdivision Prince William County
Contact Name Open Data Analyst
Contact Email [email protected]
Contact Phone
Publication Date 2024-03-18
Data Timeframe
Update Cadence One-time
Data Publishing Method
Geographic Location Dumfries, Va
Source Link https://data.dumfriesva.gov/Government/Location-of-Publicly-Owned-Broadband-Infrastructur/2b9n-cveg/about_data
Featured Dataset No