Norfolk Cares Center

As of October 30, 2019, this data set will no longer be updated. A new citizen request app, called MyNorfolk, has been implemented and data from that app is available in this Open Data portal.

The Norfolk Cares data set provides data from the IMPACT System. The data was collected by phone calls, emails, iPhone requests, and on-line requests. This data set includes service requests from November 2014 to October 2019.

For data about this dataset, please click on the below link:

Data og ressurser


Felt Verdi
Subdivision Norfolk Cares Center
Contact Name City of Norfolk
Contact Email
Contact Phone
Publication Date 2024-05-02
Data Timeframe
Update Cadence One-time
Data Publishing Method Updated on the Norfolk Open Data portal. Can be accessed via the link in the description.
Geographic Location Norfolk, Virginia
Source Link
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