Norfolk Mermaid Sculptures

Mermaid sculptures have graced the city of Norfolk since 2000. Today, mermaids can be found throughout Norfolk as well as in neighboring cities. They can be found in front of businesses, inside and outside schools, near hospitals, and in homeowners' yards. And, thanks to the Norfolk Sister City Association and others, mermaids can also be found in many countries around the world. Some mermaids are old, some are new. Some mermaids have had to be completely redone due to damage by the elements or vandalism. The mermaids are owned by individuals, businesses, and other organizations. Most sponsors are also the owners in this dataset. The city of Norfolk does not own most of the mermaids and thus, we do not maintain them.

This dataset provides a listing of all known Norfolk mermaid sculptures and their locations as well as the artist’s name, the mermaid’s name, and photographs of the mermaid. If you know of a mermaid that is missing from this dataset, please email Come Home or use the online form. This dataset will be updated as new mermaids are reported.

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Felt Verdi
Subdivision Norfolk Arts
Contact Name City of Norfolk
Contact Email
Contact Phone
Publication Date 2024-04-29
Data Timeframe
Update Cadence Ad Hoc
Data Publishing Method Updated on the Norfolk Open Data portal. Can be accessed via the link in the description
Geographic Location Norfolk, Virginia
Source Link
Featured Dataset No