Occupational Employment and Wages in Roanoke

Workers in the Roanoke, VA Metropolitan Statistical Area had an average (mean) hourly wage of $24.97 in May 2022, 16 percent below the nationwide average of $29.76,after testing for statistical significance, wages in the local area were lower than their respective national averages in 21 of the 22 major occupational groups, including legal; arts, design, entertainment, sports, and media; and computer and mathematical. When compared to the nationwide distribution, Roanoke area employment was more highly concentrated in 10 of the 22 occupational groups, including healthcare practitioners and technical; production; and installation, maintenance, and repair. Twelve groups had employment shares significantly below their national representation, including management, computer and mathematical, and business and financial operations.

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Felt Verdi
Subdivision U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics
Contact Name Shwetha Tadimalla
Contact Email [email protected]
Contact Phone
Publication Date 2024-03-13
Data Timeframe
Update Cadence One-time
Data Publishing Method
Geographic Location Roanoke
Source Link https://www.bls.gov/regions/mid-atlantic/news-release/occupationalemploymentandwages_roanoke.htm
Featured Dataset No