
Kolonne Type Merkelapp Beskrivelse
Unit Notified by Dispatch Datetime text

The date and time an EMS unit was dispatched for an incident.

Incident FIPS text

Locality FIPS code for this incident. A FIPS code is a five-digit Federal Information Processing Standards code which uniquely identifies counties and county equivalents in the United States. This information may be suppressed to protect the identity of individuals involved.

Incident Locality text

Name of the locality in which the incident occurred. A locality name is a name of a county, parish, vicinage, or other such geopolitical subdivision of a state. This information may be suppressed to protect the identity of individuals involved.

Provider Primary Impression Code text

ICD-10 code corresponding to first responder's primary impression of a patient in this EMS incident. The primary impression is the EMS personnel's impression of the patient's primary problem or most significant condition which led to the management given to the patient (treatments, medications, or procedures).

Provider Primary Impression text

The full description associated with the ICD-10 code chosen by the first responder for their primary impression to describe the patient.

Medication Given with Response to Medication text

Description of medication administered to the patient and the patient's response to the administered medication. (e.g., if a patient received "naloxone" and the response of the patient for this administration of naloxone was reported as "Improved", then the record will show "naloxone with Improved response"). In instances where multiple medications were administered to the patient, the administrations and their associated responses are provided as a pipe-delimited list in the order that the patient received the medications.


Felt Verdi
Sist endret 1. juli 2024
Opprettet ukjent
Format CSV
Columns 6
Rows 189154
Opprettetfor 5 måneder siden
Size21 727 671
Ckan url
Datastore activeTrue
Datastore contains all records of source fileTrue
Has viewsTrue
On same domainTrue
Original url
Package ida2df51fe-628c-4077-b011-e5214c33b150
Resource id7ff579ad-e320-4427-941f-af8bb0f79fd8
Task created2024-07-01 14:27:47.015117
Url typeupload