Police Use of Force and Citizen Complaint Incidents

This dataset is reports of both use of force and citizen complaint incident reports recorded by the Norfolk Police Department. An incident is considered an event that has been reported to the Police; it does not necessarily indicate a crime has occurred. Norfolk Police Department policy requires a Use-of-Force report every time an officer must do more than routine use of handcuffs or hands to hold, guide, or lead a person. Complaint data for findings that are still pending are excluded from this report. This data will be updated every weekday and encompasses a rolling five years.

For data about this dataset, please click on the below link: https://data.norfolk.gov/Public-Safety/Police-Use-of-Force-and-Citizen-Complaint-Incident/fcqe-uvnb/about_data

Data og ressurser


Felt Verdi
Subdivision Norfolk Police Department
Contact Name City of Norfolk
Contact Email
Contact Phone
Publication Date 2024-05-01
Data Timeframe
Update Cadence Daily - Once
Data Publishing Method Updated on the Norfolk Open Data portal. Can be accessed via the link in the description.
Geographic Location Norfolk, Virginia
Source Link https://data.norfolk.gov/
Featured Dataset No