Solid Waste Permits

The Virginia DEQ Solid Waste Program provides various customer services to the Virginia community and other interested parties graphical information for Solid Waste Facilities. DEQ's solid waste program encourages the reuse and recycling of solid waste and regulates the storage, treatment and disposal of solid waste. The regulations provide standards which are designed to protect human health and the environment from these solid waste management activities. The GIS layer shows Solid Waste Facilities permitted with DEQ.

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Felt Verdi
Contact Name rex.robichaux_VADEQ
Contact Email [email protected]
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dcat_issued 2020-11-12T13:59:31.000Z
dcat_modified 2023-07-12T18:07:06.000Z
dcat_publisher_name rex.robichaux_VADEQ
spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[-83.1673,36.5459],[-83.1673,39.2193],[-75.4551,39.2193],[-75.4551,36.5459],[-83.1673,36.5459]]]}