
This dataset contains information from the City’s towing database. The data includes: a list of vehicles currently on the City’s impound lot, VINs, the address where the vehicle was towed and why it was towed and the disposition of the vehicle (sold at auction, released to owner, etc.). This dataset is updated daily. **Important Notice: This fees included in this data are calculated on the day the vehicle is released from city custody. Fees for vehicles still held by the City will be calculated at the time of release and are not considered accurate until that time.

For data about this dataset, please click on the below link:

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Felt Verdi
Subdivision Office of Towing & Recovery, Department of Public Works
Contact Name City of Norfolk
Contact Email
Contact Phone
Publication Date 2024-05-02
Data Timeframe
Update Cadence Daily - Once
Data Publishing Method Updated on the Norfolk Open Data portal. Can be accessed via the link in the description.
Geographic Location Norfolk, Virginia
Source Link
Featured Dataset No