Underground Storage Tank Dashboard

This dashboard brings together underground storage tank records from older paper sources as well as more recent inspection records. It allows for searches by address to retrieve all known records, as well as the ability to see a whole street. Please read the following caveats: - Records have been aligned with current addresses, with some attempts made at fixing spelling errors, disambiguation, road re-naming, etc. However, about 25% of all records are not aligned to a current address and may contain relevant information to tanks still in the ground. - There is no guarantee that all records are included or that they form a complete inventory of all tanks as some may have been damaged or lost. The absence of records should not be interpreted as the absence of a tank.

Data og ressurser


Felt Verdi
Contact Name City of Norfolk
Contact Email [email protected]
Contact Phone
Publication Date
Data Timeframe
Update Cadence
Data Publishing Method
Geographic Location
Source Link
Featured Dataset
GUID https://data.norfolk.gov/api/views/fxu8-8tau
dcat_issued 2023-05-02
dcat_modified 2023-05-02
dcat_publisher_name data.norfolk.gov