Fant 4 datasett

Grupper: Public Safety Formater: CSV Stikkord: firearm injury fai

  • VDH-PUD-FAI-By-Month

    This dataset includes the number and rate of emergency department (ED) visits for firearm injury (FAI) in Virginia by year and by month. Data set includes FAI visits from 2015...
    20843 total views
  • VDH-PUD-FAI-By-Demographics

    This dataset includes the number and rate of emergency department (ED) visits for firearm injury (FAI) in Virginia by year, race/ethnicity, age group, and sex. Data set includes...
    11588 total views
  • VDH-PUD-FAI-By-District

    This dataset includes the number and rate of emergency department (ED) visits for firearm injury (FAI) in Virginia by year and by patient geography. VDH health regions and...
    5029 total views
  • VDH-PUD-FAI-By-CityCounty

    This dataset includes the number and rate of emergency department (ED) visits for firearm injury (FAI) in Virginia by year and by the city/county of the patient. City/county...
    17051 total views